Efforts To Improve The Ability To Recognize The Concept Of Numbers In Early Childhood Through Smart Box Media

Classroom Action Research on Group A Students of Babus Salam Kindergarten, Cimeuhmal Village, Tanjungsiang District, Subang Regency, Academic Year 2023-2024


  • nita rosita mahasiswa
  • Erna Roostin PGPAUD FKIP UNSAP


Mengenal konsep bilangan, Media Smart Box


This research is motivated by the lack of knowledge of the concept of numbers in children so that teachers need to create effective learning to improve children's cognitive abilities. The Smart Box method is one of the methods used in this problem. The purpose of this study is to determine the improvement of the ability to recognize the concept of numbers. This research is a Kemmis and Taggert class action research consisting of 4 components, namely: planning, action, observation and reflection. The subjects in this study are group A children at Babus Salam Kindergarten, Tanjungsiang District, Subang Regency for the 2023-2024 school year. The results of the research through Smart Box media to recognize the concept of children's numbers have increased very well. In the initial data to the first cycle, there was an average increase of 2.3 and the percentage was 40%, including the MB category (starting to develop), from the first cycle to the second cycle, the increase was 0.5, the BB category (not yet developed) and the percentage reached 50% of the MB category (starting to develop). So it can be concluded that Smart Box media can improve the ability to recognize children's number concepts and this can also be included in the aspect of child development, namely cognitive (Piaget, 1936).




How to Cite

rosita, N., Erna Roostin, & Jenurdin. (2024). Efforts To Improve The Ability To Recognize The Concept Of Numbers In Early Childhood Through Smart Box Media: Classroom Action Research on Group A Students of Babus Salam Kindergarten, Cimeuhmal Village, Tanjungsiang District, Subang Regency, Academic Year 2023-2024. Jurnal Edukasi Generasi Emas, 2(2), 79–87. Retrieved from https://ejournal.lppmunsap.org/index.php/jege/article/view/1386