Using Flash Card Media to Improve Initial Reading Ability
Media flash card, Membaca permulaanAbstract
Reading is part of the aspects of children's language development that must be developed in learning while playing as the principles of early childhood education that must be considered in developing children's language skills. However, the problem that occurs in the field is lack of initial reading skills. It found in group B children aged 5-6 years due to the lack of availability of interesting media that can support children in learning to read. The purpose of this research consists of; (1) to find out the process of using flash card media in improving initial reading skills at KB Miftahul Huda, Panjalu District, Ciamis Regency. 2) to find out the increase in initial reading ability using flash card media for group B children at KB Miftahul Huda. This research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR) method, designed consists of planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting collaboratively in two research cycles. The instruments used in this study were observation and documentation sheets, the data analysis used was descriptive and qualitative. The results of the research showed that at pre-action an average of 43% was obtained which included the Undeveloped criteria, and increased to 57.4% which included the Beginning to Develop criteria in cycle 1, while in cycle II it experienced an increase with an average the percentage of 89.7% which is included in the very well developed criteria (BSB).