The Effect of Biological Asset Intensity and Green Accounting On The Financial Performance Of Agricultural Companies Listed On The Indonesia Stock Exchange, 2017-2019


  • Dewi Linawati Universitas Sebelas April
  • Ayi Srie Yuniawati Universitas Sebelas April
  • Fanji Farman Universitas Sebelas April



financial performance, green accounting, biological asset, intensity


Financial performance is an analysis of the company's financial condition that has been achieved by the company from the past, a form of information for thepresent and the future. There are several things that can affect the company's financial performance. In this study, the researcher used  green  accounting  and  biological  asset  intensity.  Green  accounting  is  a  new  accounting paradigm that focuses on transactions, events, financial objects, social andenvironmental events, while biological asset intensity shows the size of the number of biological assets in the company. This study purposes to determine the effectof biological asset intensity partially on financial performance, partial effect of green accounting on financial performance, the relationship between biologicalasset intensity and green accounting, and the simultaneous influence of biological asset intensity and green accounting on the financial performance ofagricultural companies. The research method used was a quantitative research method with a Multiple Linear Regression model, while the sampling technique inthis study was a purposive sampling technique with a total of 18 samples. The results illustrated that  Biological  Asset  Intensity  did  not  partially  affect thefinancial  performance  of  agricultural companies, Green Accounting partially affected the financial performance of agricultural companies, there was no relationship between Biological Asset Intensity and Green Accounting, and Biological Asset  Intensity  and  Green  Accounting  simultaneously  affected  the  financial  performance  of agricultural companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2017-2019




How to Cite

Linawati, D., Yuniawati, A. S., & Farman, F. (2022). The Effect of Biological Asset Intensity and Green Accounting On The Financial Performance Of Agricultural Companies Listed On The Indonesia Stock Exchange, 2017-2019. Journal of Business, Accounting and Finance, 4(1), 1–11.