The Influence Of Altruism And Communication On Employee Performance CV. Jaya Laksana Rattan Majalengka
Altruism, Communication, and Employee PerformanceAbstract
This study aims to determine the influence of Altruism and communication On Employee
Performance on Cv. Jaya Laksana Rattan Majalengka. The research method used is the
quantitative research method. The population in the study was Cv employees. Jaya Laksana
Rattan Majalengka. The technique used in sampling uses a saturated sample, for which the
population is sampled totaling 68 respondents. The method of data collection used
questionnaires, while the method in this study used multiple linear regression analysis. The
results of this study showed 11n that Altruism had a significant effect on Employee
Performance as viewed from thitung > ttable i.e. 3,980 > 1.996, Communication had
a significant effect on Employee Performance as viewed from thitung > ttable which was
7.923 > 1.996 and was simultaneously variable. Altruism and Communication had a
positive and significant effect on Employee Performance 101,138 > 3.14. Of the partial
results Altruism has a sig value of 0.000 and Altruism has a sig value of 0.000, and the
simultaneous result has a sig value < 0.05 or 0.000 < 0.05