The Effect of Compensation on Job Satisfaction of Employees of PT. Rian Putra Mandiri Majalengka


  • ulan universitas sebelas april sumedang



Compensation, Employee Job Satisfactio


The core problem in this study is the effect of compensation on employee job satisfaction at PT. Rian
Putra Mandiri Majalengka. This study aims to determine employee compensation and job satisfaction
and to determine the effect of compensation on employee job satisfaction at PT. Rian Putra Mandiri
Majalengka. This study uses survey methods, data collection techniques used are observation
methods, questionnaires and data processing related to the problems studied, namely employee
compensation and job satisfaction. The analysis technique used is simple regression analysis,
Product Moment correlation test, coefficient of determination and hypothesis testing. The results of
the discussion regarding X (Compensation) are 1761 (Very Good) as a whole which is assessed
based on the indicators because it is in the 1680 - 2000 interval, and regarding Y (Employee job
satisfaction) is 1806 (Very Good) overall which is assessed based on the following indicators. the
indicator is because it is in the interval 1680 – 2000. The relationship between compensation and job
satisfaction of employees of PT. Rian Putra Mandiri Majalengka is 0.252 or 25.2%. This shows that
compensation has a fairly strong influence on employee job satisfaction. While the remaining 74.8%
is influenced by other factors. The hypothesis which states that there is a positive influence between
compensation for employee job satisfaction at PT. Rian Putra Mandiri Majalengka and can be
accepted with tcount > ttable or 3.582 > 2.02108, meaning Ho is rejected or H1 is accepted. Rian
Putra Mandiri Majalengka, this will be useful in increasing employee job satisfaction and increasing
the quality and quantity of employee work


