Influence Of Motivation On Employee Performance In BPJS Health Office Sumedang Branch
BPJS Office Sumedang Branch Health, Employee Performance, Motivation.Abstract
This research entitled effect of Motivation on Performance at the BPJS
Kesehatan Branch Office Sumedang. As for the problems this research
is lacking optimizing upgrade facilities employee performance.
Research purposes this is to find out the motivation, employee
performance, the magnitude of the influence motivation on employee
performance in Branch Health BPJS Office Sumedang. This research
using a method approach descriptive with analytical techniques
quantitative, done through the method survey. Saturated sampling is
used, so that the entire population is used as a research sample of 45
person. Research data using simple regression analysis, correlation
test, coefficient of determination and hypothesis testing. The results of
this study show that motivation is 2631 (good) with an average of
(94%), performance employees of 2,962 (good) with average (93%),
next the magnitude relationship between motivation and performance
employees at the Health BPJS Office Sumedang branch of 0.994 (very
strong relationship), and the effect of motivation on performance
employees at the Health BPJS Office Sumedang branch of 0.988 or
98.8%, so that means a lot significant effect on motivation on employee
performance in the Office Health BPJS Sumedang Branch and the
remaining 2% is affected by other factors such as discipline on
performance employees, such as attendance rate, obedience to work
regulations, obedience on work standards, levels high vigilance, work
ethically and leadership attitudes towards performance employees,
such as self-awareness, treat others on an equal basis equality and
have empathy that is not researched by researchers, so it can be
concluded that motivation is very influential strong on employee
performance in Branch Health BPJS Office Sumedang.