The Influence of Prices on The Interest of Buying Consumers of Yamaha Motorcycles in PT. Ramarayo Sumdeang Branch


  • Sifa Unazah Badriah Universitas Sebelas April
  • Gustina Hidayat Universitas Sebelas April
  • Rani Munggaran Universitas Sebelas April



Price, Consumer, Buying Interest


The Influence of Price On Consumer Buying Interest Yamaha Motorcycles At PT. Ramarayo Branch Sumedang. This research aims to know the pricing and buying interest of consumers and to know the influence of prices on the buying interest of yamaha motorcycle consumers in PT. Ramarayo Branch Sumedang. The analytical techniques used are simple regression analysis, product moment   correlation   test,   determination   coefficient   and   hypothesis   test.   The relationship between Price and Consumer Buying Interest yamaha motorcycles at PT. Ramarayo Sumedang branch is 0.645 and there is at intervals of 0.60-0.799 or it can  be  said  that  the  price  relationship  with  consumer  buying  interest  in  PT. Ramarayo Branch sumedang has a strong relationship. Price Influence on Consumer Buying Interest yamaha motorcycles on PT. Ramarayo Sumedang branch by 41%, or the influence of Price 41% on Consumer Buying Interest. Hypothesis that there is a positive influence between Price and Consumer Buying Interest yamaha motorcycles on PT. Ramarayo Branch Sumedang and can be accepted with thitung > ttabel or 7416 > 1,661.

