Work Motivation Of Employees At The Rakyat Nusantara Credit Bank Ampera Bhakti Tanjungsari


  • Rani Munggaran



Work Motivation


The  focus  of  this  research  is to  see  how the  Employee  Work  Motivation  at  the  Bank Pekreditan Rakyat Nusantara Ampera Bhakti Tanjungsari. The purpose of this study is to find out what kind of work motivation is applied to the company, the type of research t hat will be used in the preparation of the thesis is a qualitative method with one variable, namely employee motivation. The techniques that will be used are observation, interviews, documentation and data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. This research was conducted by selecting 3 informants who were considered to represent their respective employees, namely Manager, Admin and Marketing. Results of research on employee motivation at Bank Perkreditan Rakyat Nusantara Ampera Bhakti Tanjungsari show that work motivation plays an important role for employees to support their  performance  when  associated  with  the  five  dimensions,  namely:  Physical  and Biological Needs, Safety and Security Needs, Social Needs, Needs Rewards and Self- Actualization  which  will  later  become  the  main  thing  in  working  for  the  comfort  and continuity of the company. Conclusions and suggestions from research on employee work motivation can certainly have a positive impact on the company, as well as being able to improve employee performance in order to achieve company goals.


