An Analysis of Marketing Mix At Nafira Batik Sumedang


  • Shofia Anisa Ratnasari
  • Wartini Yulianti



marketing mix, product, promotion


The focus of this research is to analyze the marketing mix at Nafira Batik Sumedang. This
study aims to determine the implementation of the current marketing mix and the obstacles and
solutions to Nafira Batik Sumedang. The method used in this research is a qualitative research method
and the sampling technique used is purposive sampling. Meanehile, in analyzing the data, the Miles
and Huberman model was used with the following steps : data collection, data reduction, data
presentation and conclusions, the way to test the validity was by using triangulation techniques.
Researchers focus on the implementation of the marketing mix on products and promotions with the
indicators used are product mix width, product mix length, product mix depth, product mix consistency,
advertising, personal selling, public relations, sales promotion, and direct marketing. The results show
that the marketing mix at Nafira Batik Sumedang has been implemented well but has not been maximized
due to changes in customer tastes and weak digital marketing and sales promotions that are not carried
out intensely. With efforts to conduct market research again and innovative products as
well as improve the procurement of competent and skilled human resources


