Analysis Of Compensation Provisions In Improving Employee Performance (Case Study Of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Sumedang)
Compensation,, Non Financial, compensation, Employee Performance.Abstract
Human resources have an important role in an organization, they must have
quality, innovative and creative human resources. Because the organization is a network
and decision successors of policy and decision making. Compensation is used as a measure
of performance with the aim of getting qualified employees, retaining employees and
making a good contribution to the organization. This research uses descriptive qualitative.
The direct researcher acts as the main research tool in which the research process is
directly and actively interviewing, collecting data, processing data, processing data/data
analysis, reporting and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the provision of nonfinancial compensation in improving the performance of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Sumedang
employees can be said to be effective. It can be seen from several interviews, through nonfinancial compensation indicators, especially promotions, which are categorized as good
but not perfect and employee performance indicators, especially quality and quantity, are
categorized as good but not perfect.