Pentingnya Posyandu Dalam 1000 HPK Untuk Mencegah Stunting Di Desa Cipamekar,Kecamatan Conggeang, Kabupaten Sumedang


  • Balkis Fitriani Faozi Universitas Sebelas April


The First Thousand Days of Life (1000 HPK) is important in determining whether a child will experience stunting or not. The first thousand days of life are a “golden window of opportunity”. If nutritional and health conditions during this period are optimal, long-term negative impacts can be prevented. However, there are still people who do not understand the importance of coming to the posyandu. PkM participants are cadres, pregnant women and mothers of toddlers. PkM material includes the benefits of posyandu, 1000 HPK and Stunting. The results of the program include 40 participants who took part in PkM and there was an increase in knowledge after participating in the program as measured by a pre-post test questionnaire (there was an increase in the average pre-test and post-test score of 0.7 points). Extension has been proven to increase knowledge.

