Pemanfaatan Menu MP-ASI dari Pangan Lokal untuk Pencegahan Stunting


  • Witri Dewi Mentari Universi


MP-ASI, Pangan Lokal, Pencegahan Stunting


Stunting is a growth and development disorder in children due to chronic malnutrition and recurrent infections, which is characterized by their body length or height being below standard. It was recorded that there were 14 children in the stunting category in Situraja Village in 2022. Based on several references, the common causes of stunting are factors such as a history of anemia in the mother, parenting patterns and exclusive breastfeeding and complementary feeding (MP) breast milk. This community service is carried out with the aim of increasing community/mother awareness to utilize various superior local foods that have high nutritional value for the MP-ASI menu as an effort to fulfill nutritional needs for children and also as an effort to prevent stunting. This community service activity carried out on January 29 2024. The focus of this community service activity is increasing the knowledge of cadres and the community/mothers in Situraja Village about the use of local food. This activity was carried out in the Situraja Village hall.

