Pengembangan UMKM Melalui Sosialisasi Digital Marketing dan Sosialisasi Penyusunan Laporan Keuangan Sederhana Bagi Pelaku UMKM Di Desa Conggeang Wetan Kab. Sumedang
Sosialisasi Digital Marketing , Sosialisasi Penyusunan Laporan Keuangan Sederhana
MSME, Socialization, Digital Marketing, Financial StatementsAbstract
The presence of technology is a necessity for MSME players today to take advantage of it so that their businesses can grow. The existence of marketplaces and social media can be used as a means to carry out sales and promotions online. However, in reality there are still many MSME actors who have not utilized it due to various factors, including a lack of understanding by MSME actors in utilizing and operating technology as a means of selling. So it is necessary to carry out community service activities in the form of digital marketing outreach to equip MSMEs so they can run their businesses more optimally. Apart from carrying out digital marketing socialization activities, socialization activities for preparing simple financial reports were also carried out, including how to keep records and the benefits for business units. The aim of this socialization activity on preparing simple financial reports for MSMEs is to design a simple form of bookkeeping that is most likely to be carried out by MSMEs, as well as assisting MSMEs in implementing this bookkeeping in their daily business activities. This socialization of the preparation of simple financial reports increases awareness of MSME players regarding the importance of information produced by financial reports as a basis for decision making and preparation of business strategies to achieve sustainable business.