Sosialisasi Cegah Stunting Pada Ibu Hamil dan Menyusui Melalui Edukasi Gizi Seimbang di Desa Situraja Utara
The problem of stunting is still the focus of the government's current
attention. The government is still trying to reduce stunting rates in
various regions. Referring to the e-PPGBM results in August 2023,
the stunting rate in Sumedang Regency was 7.96%. Based on
observations in January 2024 in North Situraja Village, Sumedang
Regency, West Java, there were still 10 toddlers suspected of being
stunted. This is a problem that is quite serious to overcome.
Therefore, there is a need for socialization to prevent stunting,
because if left unchecked it will affect cognitive function, namely a
low level of intelligence and have an impact on the quality of human
resources. The aim of carrying out this activity is to provide outreach
and education to the community to prevent stunting through
providing balanced nutrition. The method used is delivery of material
and discussion through questions and answers