Jurnal Maximization of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises with the Potential of MSMEs in Awilega Village, Tanjungkerta District, Sumedang Regency
Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Sebelas April (JPKMA) : Maximization of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises with the Potential of MSMEs in Awilega Village, Tanjungkerta District, Sumedang Regency
Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM), Maxsimalisasi, Desa AwilegaAbstract
Various efforts to maximize the incentives made by the government continue to develop micro, small and medium enterprises in boosting economic growth and maximizing the potential of MSMEs, both at the national and village levels. Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) play an important role in improving the economy in Indonesia, as they have a large contribution to economic growth in Indonesia. Awilega Village has the potential for MSMEs to be maximized, namely lunkhead, sale, palm sugar, ginger brew, and kolang kaling. Awilega Village does not yet have policies or programs related to maximizing MSMEs in Awilega Village. Because in maximizing MSMEs it is necessary to have cooperation between internal parties, namely business actors and external parties, namely the government to optimize their potential and improve the economy. It is in this case that encourages research to find out the maximization of MSMEs in Awilega Village. The aim is to explore and examine what efforts can be made to maximize Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. The benefit of this research is to provide reference material in maximizing MSMEs so that they can increase the capacity and quality of MSMEs in global competition. This research uses a type of descriptive qualitative research using data collection techniques through observation with the interview method.