Literat - Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia <p><strong>Literat - Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia</strong> is a peer-reviewed journal published by LPPM UNSAP for information and communication sources for academics (educators), education and learning observers and education practitioners, which is published twice a year in February and August. Articles published are the results of research, reflection, and actual critical studies relating to education and learning. All articles are reviewed by peers at least by two reviewers. The scope of the article includes: Learning Indonesian and regional languages, Linguistics, Applied linguistics, Literature and teaching and learning, The latest issue is related to the development of the Indonesian language learning and teaching model, literature, and regional discussion.</p> LPPM UNSAP & Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan en-US Literat - Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia 2963-4342 OBJEK PEMAJUAN KEBUDAYAAN RITUS TRADISI MEMBAKAR KEMENYAN PADA KEGIATAN KIRAB PANJI DAN KIRAB MAHKOTA KEMAHARAJAAN SUNDA <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p><em>This research is motivated by a lack of public awareness of the important role of local culture due to the lack of clear boundaries between local culture and foreign culture. Cultural changes that occur in traditional societies, from closed societies to more open societies. So that local culture, such as in the arts sector, begins to transition into art with commercial aspects. Ritual arts are increasingly marginalized and losing their function. In this case, understanding culture based on local wisdom values ​​and discussing various awareness issues that reflect identity is very important in the social community. </em></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p><em>This research was conducted to describe one of the objects of cultural advancement, namely the rite of burning incense during the Panji Carnival and Crown Carnival of Sunda Kingdom on the occasion of the 446th Milangkala Sumedang using qualitative methods. Data sources in this research consist of primary and secondary data sources.&nbsp; Data collection techniques were carried out through observation and literature review.&nbsp; Sumedang Regency, as a cultural center and one of the areas where the majority of the population is Muslim, also uses incense at several events. The ritual of burning incense is a process of socializing the continuation of old values ​​cherished by a society. Through social communication, community awareness can build ukhuwah and brotherhood so that what the community believes in is achieved, based on this belief, the ritual of burning incense is maintained</em></p> Risa Ayu Anjani Ronny Hidayat Sutisna Copyright (c) 2024 Risa Ayu Anjani, Ronny Hidayat Sutisna 2024-10-25 2024-10-25 3 2 98 107 KAJIAN STRUKTURNOVEL DARI JAWA BARAT <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p><em>The researcher examined three novels from West Java, all three of which came from Sumedang Regency, namely the novel Harisbaya Bersuami Dua Raja, Hanjuang di Kutamaya, and Raden Jamu, Mutiara Menak Sumedang. The research entitled "Study of Novel Structure from West Java" was designed through a qualitative analytical description method. The study focuses on the structure of story builders, the similarity of plot and characterization, as well as the responses of high school students in class X to Novel in West Java. The study theory used by the researcher is a structural study which includes characterization, setting, plot, linguistic elements, point of view, mandate and theme.</em></p> <p><em>In general, novels develop in various regions in all corners of Indonesia and even the world. Until now, this tradition has become one of the cultural heritages that has been maintained, especially if the novel raises a historical story or a true story. In a small scope, Sumedang as part of the Sundanese Tatar has a number of diverse stories, but in modern times, the existence of novels that raise history in the story is rarely introduced to be studied and taught in the community, especially in schools. The novels Harisbaya Berhusband Dua Raja, Hanjuang di Kutamaya, and Raden Jamu, Mutiara Menak Sumedang can be used as a reference for the public that this book deserves to be appreciated from the structure that explores the information and values contained in it, so that it is able to provide lessons for human life. Literary works based on local wisdom are also rarely found today, so this is one of the reasons why it is important for writers to review works with the theme of local wisdom so that later they can stimulate writers and readers. The novel describes the author's views on social life events, one of which is about the local wisdom of the community towards customs in Sumedang Regency. The novels that the author raised in this research are all three themed about traditions and customs in Sundanese Tatars, especially Sumedang Regency. The reason why the author chose Novel from Sumedang Regency is due to several factors, including that the author is domiciled in Rancakalong District, Sumedang Regency and works at SMAN Situraja, Sumedang Regency</em><em>.</em></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Elis Siti Nurfalah Kuswara Ece Sukmana Copyright (c) 2024 Elis Siti Nurfalah, Kuswara, Ece Sukmana 2024-10-25 2024-10-25 3 2 108 121 URGENSI ANALISIS WACANA KRITIS DALAM BERITA ONLINE <p>The researcher considers the development of discourses in online news to be <br>important and urgent. The diversity of online media leads to a variety of <br>information, making it essential for readers to have the ability to select and <br>analyze information from various sources. With the ease provided by the <br>features of online media, there is an abundance of information that may not <br>align with reality. Therefore, through critical discourse analysis, we can not <br>only understand the content of the news but also uncover how the news text is <br>presented, why the message is delivered in a particular way, and even delve <br>deeper into exposing the misuse of power, domination, and injustice that are <br>subtly exercised and produced through these news texts. <br>Mass media and discourse are two elements that mutually support each <br>other. Even the highest-quality critical discourse cannot stand alone; such <br>discourse requires the mass media to encompass it. While the existence of <br>discourse depends heavily on the surrounding mass media, mass media, in <br>turn, depends on its audience or users. Therefore, an ideal mass media is not <br>only judged by the content it publishes but also by the ease of access it <br>provides to its users. With all the impacts it can generate, discourse is not <br>merely a text with a specific writing purpose. Critical discourse is viewed as <br>a multi-dimensional object of study that comprises several aspects: action, <br>context, history, power, and ideology.</p> Egi Sugianti Asep Saepurokhman E. Sulyati Copyright (c) 2024 Egi Sugianti, Asep Saepurokhman, E. Sulyati 2024-10-25 2024-10-25 3 2 122 138 ANALYSIS OF THE DIMENSIONS OF SCHOOL WELL-BEING (HAVING, LOVING, BEING, AND HEALTH) IN THE RECOMMENDATION BOOK FOR SMP CLASS VIII I AM LIMITED BUT WITHOUT LIMITS BY JOKO SULISTYA <p><em>Student welfare has become a major concern in the world of education. The dimension of school well-being is really needed in building a peaceful school environment because education is one of the main tools needed to develop a harmonious and peaceful life. This research analyzes the dimensions of school well-being (having, loving, being, and health) in the motivational book "I'm Limited But Without Limits" with the aim of identifying the book's potential in supporting student development. The method used in this research is a descriptive qualitative method, with documentation and note-taking data collection techniques.</em> <em>Based on the analysis of 31 data, the dimensions of being and loving became the most data with a percentage of 35% and 32%. The benefits of this research span various aspects, one of which can provide valuable insights for educators, counselors, and policy makers in designing more effective strategies and supports for students. This research suggests that this book be integrated into the school curriculum as a source of inspiration and welfare for students' school well-being.</em></p> Methatya Suci Andriyanto Stella Talitha Uskitya Eryanti Copyright (c) 2024 Methatya Suci Andriyanto, Stella Talitha, Uskitya Eryanti 2024-10-25 2024-10-25 3 2 139 147 ANALYSIS OF COLLABORATIVE ACADEMIC, SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL LEANING (CASEL) IN SHORT STORIES ABOUT DRAWING, LANGUAGE AND LOVE BY FITRI AMALIA IN THE INDONESIAN LANGUAGE RECOMMENDATION BOOK CLASS VIII <table> <tbody> <tr> <td class="s29"> <div> <p class="s17">&nbsp;</p> </div> </td> <td class="s29"> <div> <p class="s15"><span class="s19">This</span><span class="s19"> study </span><span class="s19">analyses</span> <span class="s19">the</span> <span class="s19">application</span> <span class="s19">of</span> <span class="s19">the</span> <span class="s19">five</span> <span class="s19">components</span> <span class="s19">of</span> <span class="s19">Collaborative</span><span class="s19">Academic</span><span class="s19">, </span><span class="s19">Social</span><span class="s19">, </span><span class="s19">and</span> <span class="s19">Emotional</span> <span class="s19">Learning</span><span class="s19"> (CASEL) in </span><span class="s19">the</span> <span class="s19">short</span> <span class="s19">story</span><span class="s19"> ‘</span><span class="s19">About</span><span class="s19">Drawing</span><span class="s19">, </span><span class="s19">Language</span> <span class="s19">and</span><span class="s19"> Love’ </span><span class="s19">by</span><span class="s19"> Fitri Amalia, </span><span class="s19">which</span> <span class="s19">is</span> <span class="s19">contained</span><span class="s19"> in </span><span class="s19">the</span> <span class="s19">grade</span><span class="s19">VIII Indonesian </span><span class="s19">textbook</span><span class="s19">. </span><span class="s19">Social</span> <span class="s19">Emotional</span> <span class="s19">Learning</span><span class="s19"> (PSE) </span><span class="s19">is</span> <span class="s19">an</span> <span class="s19">important</span><span class="s19">aspect</span> <span class="s19">of</span> <span class="s19">education</span> <span class="s19">that</span> <span class="s19">focuses</span> <span class="s19">on</span> <span class="s19">developing</span> <span class="s19">students</span><span class="s19">' </span><span class="s19">emotion</span> <span class="s19">management</span><span class="s19">skills</span><span class="s19">, </span><span class="s19">social</span> <span class="s19">awareness</span><span class="s19">, </span><span class="s19">and</span> <span class="s19">social</span> <span class="s19">relationship</span> <span class="s19">abilities</span><span class="s19">. The </span><span class="s19">purpose</span> <span class="s19">of</span> <span class="s19">this</span><span class="s19">study </span><span class="s19">is</span> <span class="s19">to</span> <span class="s19">explore</span> <span class="s19">how</span> <span class="s19">the</span> <span class="s19">short</span> <span class="s19">stories</span> <span class="s19">reflect</span> <span class="s19">the</span> <span class="s19">five</span> <span class="s19">components</span> <span class="s19">of</span><span class="s19"> CASEL: </span><span class="s19">self-awareness</span><span class="s19">, </span><span class="s19">self-management</span><span class="s19">, </span><span class="s19">social</span> <span class="s19">awareness</span><span class="s19">, </span><span class="s19">relationship</span> <span class="s19">skills</span><span class="s19">, </span><span class="s19">and</span><span class="s19">responsible</span> <span class="s19">decision</span><span class="s19">-making. The </span><span class="s19">research</span> <span class="s19">method</span> <span class="s19">used</span> <span class="s19">was</span> <span class="s19">descriptive</span><span class="s19">qualitative</span> <span class="s19">with</span><span class="s19"> data </span><span class="s19">collection</span> <span class="s19">techniques</span> <span class="s19">through</span> <span class="s19">reading</span><span class="s19">, </span><span class="s19">recording</span><span class="s19">, </span><span class="s19">interpretation</span><span class="s19">, </span><span class="s19">and</span> <span class="s19">text</span> <span class="s19">analysis</span><span class="s19">. The </span><span class="s19">results</span> <span class="s19">show</span> <span class="s19">that</span> <span class="s19">these</span> <span class="s19">short</span> <span class="s19">stories</span> <span class="s19">can</span><span class="s19">effectively</span> <span class="s19">be</span> <span class="s19">used</span><span class="s19"> as </span><span class="s19">teaching</span> <span class="s19">materials</span> <span class="s19">to</span> <span class="s19">improve</span> <span class="s19">students</span><span class="s19">‘ </span><span class="s19">social</span> <span class="s19">and</span><span class="s19">emotional</span> <span class="s19">skills</span><span class="s19">, </span><span class="s19">supporting</span> <span class="s19">the</span> <span class="s19">implementation</span> <span class="s19">of</span><span class="s19"> Merdeka </span><span class="s19">Curriculum</span> <span class="s19">centred</span><span class="s19">on</span> <span class="s19">students</span><span class="s19">’ </span><span class="s19">holistic</span> <span class="s19">development</span><span class="s19">.</span></p> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Yohana Stella Talitha Uskitya Eryanti Copyright (c) 2024 Yohana, Stella Talitha, Uskitya Eryanti 2024-10-25 2024-10-25 3 2 148 155 PROBLEMATIK REDUPLIKASI DALAM KBBI V (DARING): KAJIAN MORFOLOGI DAN SEMANTIK <p>As a codification product, KBBI V (Online) is expected to be able to respond to socio-cultural dynamics that occur in society through digital dictionaries. However, the preparation of the dictionary still needs to be studied more deeply, especially related to the concept of reduplication (repetition). This research aims to explore the phenomenon of reduplication in KBBI V (Online) which has the potential to reflect gaps in the preparation of the existing reduplication concept. The research entitled "Problematic Reduplication in KBBI V (Online): A Study of Morphology and Semantics" is a study that analyzes not only in terms of shape, but also to reveal the meaning of the form. The method used is a qualitative descriptive method with morphology and semantics as a research knife. There are two problem formulations that will be studied in this study: (1) how the form that has the potential to be interpreted as reduplication inconsistencies in KBBI V (Online); (2) how the pattern of formation and meaning of reduplication in KBBI V (Online). To answer this problem, the data collection stage begins by looking for vocabulary in KBBI V (Online) which has the potential to be interpreted as a form of inconsistency. After the data is collected, then the data is analyzed based on the phenomenon and pattern of reduplication formation in KBBI V (Online). This study shows that there is a phenomenon of inconsistency in the writing of KBBI V (Online) reduplication, both from the writing of entries, subentries, and the use of hyphens.</p> Tiryadi Copyright (c) 2024 Tiryadi 2024-10-25 2024-10-25 3 2 156 160 ALIH KODE DAN CAMPUR KODE DALAM PODCAST “INI BUKAN TALKSHOW” SERTA RELEVANSINYA SEBAGAI BAHAN AJAR TEKS ANEKDOT DI SMA <p><em>The large variety of languages ​​spread across Indonesia causes communication to be hampered, because speakers have different backgrounds. YouTube is an audio-visual media that allows code switching and code mixing to occur. This research aims to describe the forms of code switching and code mixing on the Sule Productions YouTube channel "This Is Not a Talkshow", as well as its relevance as teaching material for anecdotal texts in high school. The method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive method. The results of this research found 140 data in the form of code switching and code mixing, that is, there were 16 data in the form of code switching consisting of 6 data in the form of code switching inward (internal) and 10 data in the form of code switching outward (external). Then, the form of codemixing amounts to 124 data consisting of 17 data mixed code inwards (Inner Code Mixing), 103 data mixed coded outwards (Outer Code Mixing), and 4 mixed codemixed data (Hybrid Code Mixing). Thus, the form of outer code mixing (Outer Code Mixing) appears more often in the video speech. Apart from that, this research can later be used as teaching material for anecdotal text material in high school. </em></p> Eneng Nurjanah Dedi Irawan Arip Budiman Mamay Sutiamah Copyright (c) 2024 Eneng Nurjanah, Dedi Irawan, Arip Budiman, Mamay Sutiamah 2024-10-25 2024-10-25 3 2 161 169 The Pocess of Complex Words Morphology in The Text of Study by Class VIII MTs Al-Falaahiyyah a Year of Study 2023/2024 <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The purpose of this study is to describe and classify the morphological processes that are present in the review text of students of the 8th grade MTs Al-Falaahiyyah, according to the formula of this research problem which is as follows: (1) does the morfological process in the text of the review work of students in the 8th class MTs Al-Falahiyyah in the 2023/2024 school year? (2) what morphologic processes have been found in the reviews of the work of the students of 8th grade MTS Al-Falaahiyah in the school year 2023-2024? (3) how much is the percentage of the Morphological Processes in the Review Text of Students of the Eighth Class MTs Al-Falaahiyyah?. The method used in the implementation of this research is the qualitative decryptive method, with data in the form of complex words contained in the review text of the work of students of the eighth grade MTs Al-Falaahiyyah. Data is obtained using data collection techniques such as observation and testing. Data analysis techniques in this research use text analysis techniques. The results of the study show that the morphological process of the complex word includes the process of affixing and reduplication. An affixation is the creation of an affix or an invoice in the basic form, including a prefix, a suffix, and a confix, while a reduplication is a repetition of a word, between which there is a full and a partial duplication. Besides, there are also some deviations in affixing and reduplication. The affixations were 123 words (89.78%), 14 words (10.21%), and 31 words (22.62%) covered 24 affixing deviations (77.41%) and seven reduplication deviations (22.58%).</p> Anisa Novianti Dadang Gunadi Achyar Effendi Copyright (c) 2024 Anisa Novianti, Dadang Gunadi, Achyar Effendi 2024-10-25 2024-10-25 3 2 170 175 PENERAPAN PENDEKATAN HISTORIS DALAM KAJIAN NOVEL NOTASI KARYA MORRA QUATRO <p><em>This research was motivated by the lack of diverse learning materials for literary appreciation. Based on this, it is necessary to study novels to select works that can be used as alternative learning materials for literary appreciation. In this research, the novel studied is Notasi by Morra Quatro. This research aims to describe the story of the novel, and describe the relationship between the contents of the novel and the events that form the background of the novel. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis method. Based on research that has been carried out, it is known that the novel Notasi by Morra Quatro contains a story about the collapse of the Orde Baru, which is told by a reformer from UGM. The results of this research also show that there is a connection between the content of the novel and the events that form the background of the novel. This can be seen from the historical facts contained in it, such as political conditions where at that time elections continued to be won by the same party, the existence of Petrus, and the practice of nepotism to legitimize power. Economic conditions at that time saw an increase in prices of goods, foreign debt warnings, and an economic crisis. Social conditions where at that time there was the Malari incident, there was a major incident involving IKIP Rawamangun students and IPB students, riots and looting in Medan as well as discrimination against ethnic Chinese, demonstrations in Yogyakarta known as the Gejayan Tragedy, there were actions to occupy buildings in Senayan and demonstrations in the Trisakti Tragedy.</em></p> Ghina Hanifah Kuswara Yeni Yuliani Copyright (c) 2024 Ghina Hanifah, Kuswara, Yeni Yuliani 2024-10-25 2024-10-25 3 2 176 195