Overview of Reproductive Health Knowledge among Adolescents at SMAN 2 Sumedang in 2023


  • Ferdiansyah Nurfauzi Student of Nursing Science Study Program Universitas Sebelas April
  • Balkis Fitriani Faozi Universitas Sebelas April


Adolescent, Knowledge, Reproductive health


Adolescence is a phase or transition period from childhood to adulthood, during this period there is usually physical, psychological, and intellectual development. Besides that, there are problems that often arise among adolescents today, such as sexuality problems and pregnancy outside of marriage, making them vulnerable to infection with sexually transmitted diseases, HIV and AIDS. It is important for a teenager to know about reproductive health. This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between reproductive health knowledge and adolescent dating behavior at SMAN 2 Sumedang with a total sample of 96. This study is a quantitative study with descriptive survey design. Reproductive health knowledge data were analyzed with univariate statistics. The results showed that the level of reproductive health knowledge is included in the good criteria as many as 96 (100%). Having good reproductive health knowledge can affect future health status and behavior.




How to Cite

Nurfauzi, F., & Faozi, B. F. (2024). Overview of Reproductive Health Knowledge among Adolescents at SMAN 2 Sumedang in 2023. PHSAJ - Public Health Sebelas April Journal, 3(1), 60–62. Retrieved from https://ejournal.lppmunsap.org/index.php/phsaj/article/view/1331