The Use of the Talking Stick Cooperative Model as an Effort to Improve Mathematical Communication Skills
Model pembelajaran Talking Stick, Kemampuan komunikasi matematikAbstract
This research is motivated by the low mathematical communication skills of junior high school students. One of the learning models that are thought to be able to improve mathematical communication skills is the Talking Stick learning model. The purpose of this study was to determine the improvement of students' mathematical communication skills between students whose learning was using the Talking Stick type cooperative model with conventional learning and to determine students' attitudes towards the implementation of mathematics learning using the Talking Stick type cooperative model.
The method used in this study is a quasi-experimental method. The population of this study were all seventh grade students of SMPN 5 Sumedang for the academic year 2021/2022 which consisted of ten classes, with a total of 308 students. The research sample was students of class VII-A and VII-H which were taken randomly by class with 32 students in each class. Class VII-H as an experimental class using a Talking Stick type cooperative model and class VII-A as a control class using conventional learning. The test used is the initial test and the final test in the form of a test of mathematical communication skills and non-test of student attitudes which is carried out at the end of the lesson.
Based on the results of the data analysis, the gain index test results were processed using the t test, it was obtained t_count = 4.75 and t_table = 1.99897. This means that it can be concluded that the improvement of students' mathematical communication skills whose learning uses the Talking Stick type cooperative model is better than conventional learning. The results of the questionnaire data analysis showed that the total score of students in the class that used the Talking Stick type of cooperative learning model was 3.56, which means that the student's attitude response was positive towards the Talking Stick type of cooperative learning model in learning mathematics.