ReALL - Research on Applied Linguistics and Literature <p style="user-select: auto;">ReALL (Research on Applied Linguistics and Literature) is a journal published by LPPM UNSAP &amp; the Department of English Literature of the Faculty of Humanities Universitas Sebelas April biannually in June and December (e-ISSN: 2963-4296). It publishes original papers researching and documenting issues in, but not limited to, applied linguistics and literature. ReALL accepts original research which studies any language. However, it is essential to bear in mind that the official language of the journal is English. </p> Fakultas Ilmu Budaya and LPPM Universitas Sebelas April en-US ReALL - Research on Applied Linguistics and Literature 2963-4296 SPEECH ACTS ANALYSIS UTTERED BY MOTHER GOTHEL IN “TANGLED" (2010) <p>This study aims to examine the illocutionary speech acts performed by the character Mother Gothel in the film Tangled (2010). The research seeks to identify and analyze the various forms and types of illocutionary speech acts used by Mother Gothel. To achieve this, the study utilizes Austin’s (1962) theory, which divides speech acts into three components: locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary, alongside Searle’s (1974) theory, which categorizes speech acts into five distinct types: assertive, directive, commissive, expressive, and declarative. The research employs a qualitative descriptive method, analyzing data sourced from both the film and its script. The findings reveal a total of 90 illocutionary speech acts performed by Mother Gothel, classified by both form and type. In terms of sentence form, the study identified 47 declarative, 13 interrogative, and 31 imperative speech acts. By type, the study found 13 assertive, 59 directive, 8 commissive, and 10 expressive acts. Notably, among the five types of illocutionary speech acts, declarative illocutionary acts were absent in Mother Gothel's speech. The study concludes that while declarative speech acts were not found, the film features various examples of interrogative, imperative, and other illocutionary acts, including assertive, directive, commissive, and expressive types. This analysis provides insights into how Mother Gothel's character utilizes these speech acts in the film as an antagonist character.</p> Lusi Nuryanti Lusi Nuryanti Copyright (c) 2024 ReALL - Research on Applied Linguistics and Literature 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 3 1 21 19 METHAPOR EXPRESSIONS IN “WHEN WE ALL FALL ASSLEEP WHERE DO WE GO” ALBUM BY BILLIE EILLISH <p class="KEYWORDSMaJER" style="text-align: justify; margin: 0cm 42.55pt .0001pt 42.55pt;"><span lang="EN-GB" style="font-size: 10.0pt; font-weight: normal;">Using metaphors in song lyrics could enrich aesthetic values and deep meaning to the listeners. This study aims to examine the kinds of metaphor expressions and the meaning contained in the lyrics of Billie Eilish's “When We All Fall Asleep Where Do We Go” album (2019) using the theory from Lakoff and Johson (2003) for metaphor types and Leech (1981) for the metaphor functions. The researcher used a descriptive qualitative method to conduct this research. The data collection is carried out through observation and note-taking techniques to record the metaphors in the album. It is found that there are 3 types of metaphor expressions as follows: Ontological, Structural, and Orientational. The type of figurative language most commonly used in this album is structural. Furthermore, there are six meanings of metaphor found in this album, as follows: Expressive, Directive, Informative, Aesthetic, Descriptive, and Phatic. The meaning metaphor commonly found in this album is Expressive.</span></p> Soni Rahayu Adi Afni Apriliyanti Devita Copyright (c) 2024 ReALL - Research on Applied Linguistics and Literature 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 3 1 1 9 ANALYSIS OF FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE IN SONG’S LYRIC OF JUICE WORLD <p class="KEYWORDSMaJER" style="text-align: justify; margin: 0cm 42.55pt .0001pt 42.55pt;"><span lang="EN-GB" style="font-size: 10.0pt; font-weight: normal;">This study aimed to identify and analyze the figurative language in Juice Wrld's Wishing Well and Righteous song lyrics. This research also aimed to explain the meaning of the figurative language found in the song lyrics. The method of this research employed the descriptive qualitative method by Cresswell and data collection method by Moleong (2012) and the theory for examining data used by Kennedy (1979). The data analysis procedures included reading the lyrics, identifying, classifying, and explaining the meaning of each figurative language found in the song lyrics. The result of this research showed five types of figurative language were found in song lyrics, such as metaphor, simile, hyperbole, metonymy, and paradox. Nevertheless, metaphor is the most figurative language used appearing a countable total of 34 times, and the least figurative language used is hyperbole with a total of 1 time. Furthermore, four types do not appear in this research, there are metonymy, symbol, irony, and synecdoche.</span></p> Nur Ali Rohana Copyright (c) 2024 ReALL - Research on Applied Linguistics and Literature 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 3 1 31 41 A SEMIOTIC ANALYSIS OF MEDIA MASS INTERNATIONAL (ARTICLE) ABOUT THE ISRAEL-PALESTINE CONFLICT ON OCTOBER 7, 2023 <p>The Israel-Palestinian conflict has been going on for many years and being chaos again on <br />October 7, 2023. This study aims to provide a deep understanding of how international <br />media reported and interpreted the conflict through a semiotic analysis, The international <br />media being analyzed are BBC, CNN, Al-Jazeera, and The New York Times. The research <br />uses a qualitative method and focuses on news articles from these media that were <br />uploaded on October 7, 2023. The semiotics analysis examines the denotative meaning, <br />connotative meaning, and myth conveyed in the news article. The findings reveal how each <br />article of the media constructs and represents the conflict, often with biases that shape <br />public perception. This research reveals an important viewpoint on how the media <br />influences public perceptions of the complicated geopolitical issues of the Israel and <br />Palestine conflict. The result can help foster a more critical and knowledgeable discussion <br />of how the media presents these issues.</p> Annisa Septiyani Copyright (c) 2024 ReALL - Research on Applied Linguistics and Literature 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 3 1 10 20 ANALYSIS OF ASPERGER SYNDROME OF THE MAIN CHARACTER IN "MY NAME IS KHAN" MOVIE: A PSYCHOLINGUISTIC APPROACH <p>This research investigated the Asperger's Syndrome experienced by Khan in My Name Is Khan movie. Nathan is an Indian Muslim with Asperger's syndrome who goes to America to meet the president and his personal life with his wife, Mandhira. My Name is Khan made it into 29 nominations at various events. Of the 29 nominations, a total of 23 of them were won by the film directed by Karan Johar. Therefore, the researcher is interested in examining the language disorder in this film. This study aims to identify the characteristics of Asperger’s syndrome and types of language disorders that are shown in My Name is Khan movie. The data in this research were taken from My Name is Khan movie. In analyzing this movie, the theory formulated by Mesibov et al. (2001), Suherman (2016), and Chaer (2003) was used to analyze the characteristics of Asperger's Syndrome and the types of language disorders that Khan suffered. This research used the qualitative method. The finding shows that there are five sub-characteristics of Asperger's Syndrome that Nathan has; impairment in multiple nonverbal behaviors, difficulty in building a friendship, lack of social or emotional reciprocity, abnormal restricted patterns of readability either in intensity or focus and interest in a piece of some objects. In addition, Khan frequently experienced expressive language disorder (60%), followed by receptive language disorder (40%).</p> Eris Yuspita Copyright (c) 2024 ReALL - Research on Applied Linguistics and Literature 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 3 1