Optimization Of Economic Development In Small An Medium Micro Business Sector (MSME) Cibuluh Village, Ujungjaya District, Sumedang Regency
development, marketing, UMKMAbstract
Product development is a strategy and process carried out by MSMEs in developing and improving old products or multiplying products into market segments that are useful with the assumption that customers want new elements about the product. Product development is a process of changes made to existing products as well as an innovation process to add value to old goods by converting them into these products. With product development, it means that MSMEs already understand the needs and wants of the market. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach with case study methods, the source of research data is research by small business owners, using family human resources with family history, the role of government is highly expected by UMKM actors and support from the government such as directing capital in promotion to become regional characteristics. Especially in Cibuluh Village, Ujungjaya District, Sumedang
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