Community Empowerment Based On Creative Economy In Improving Economic Independence In Sukamanah Village, Jatinuunggal District Sumedang Regency


  • Sutopo Universitas Sebelas April
  • Solihin Royani Universitas Sebelas April


Empowerment, Creative Economy, Independence


The complexity of community problems that have an impact on economic aspects is the background of this study. Community empowerment is needed in Sukamanah Village, in community empowerment itself the writer chooses community empowerment based on creative economy, the creative economy sub-sector that the author has studied is only a few, namely Music, Performing Arts, Culinary, Craft, and Fashion. The point of view of seeing empowerment that is suitable for the people of Sukamanah Village based on the creative economy, the author's view of the potential of natural resources available as raw materials that are made into something creative and the potential of the community based on the creative economy is meant to look at the potential, how to find out how community empowerment is being carried out. In Sukamanah Village by researching using the method of interviewing, observation, documentation, the creative economy actors in Sukamanah Village, namely those in Dusun I to IV, were then analyzed data by data collection, data reduction and data presentation, so that a community empowerment program was identified. based on creative economy. It is known from the results of the research that the community empowerment process in Sukamah Village can lead to an independent economy. In addition, training programs provided by government and private officials can add insight, awareness and expertise to creative economy actors. The view of community empowerment is that this activity is an effort to improve the quality of Human Resources and their dignity. Labor can be absorbed in the five sub-sectors of creative economy development, especially for housewives, who previously had less productive time, are now more productive in the creative economy sector


