Bahasa Indonesia
Ability to Write Descriptions, Picture and Picture Learning ModelsAbstract
Writing skill is one of the four important language skills in improving the quality of learning writing. Writing is a skill that must be trained from an early age. Writing is a language skill. To make descriptive coral, of course, you must have the right ways and methods. The purpose of this research is (1) to find out the results of learning to write descriptions using the picture and picture model assisted by video media. (2) To find out the response of class IV students to learning to write descriptions using the picture and picture model (3) to find out the difficulties experienced by students. The research method used is data collection using observation boards, interviews, student questionnaires, teacher questionnaires and tests. The subjects in this study were fourth grade students at Batujajar 3 Public Elementary School. Based on the results of the research in cycle I, the average number was 67%, while in cycle II, the result was 79%. This shows that the use of picture and picture models in writing description skills increased.
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