School literacy movement Local wisdom Interest in reading Covid-19Abstract
The implementation of the school literacy movement is important for students, because with GLS it can develop students' literacy skills, especially in reading skills to introduce students to life phenomena that are happening. Especially during a pandemic like this, reading resources do not only come from books, students can get information and knowledge from various media.
The problem in this study is the lack of interest in reading students. This study aims to describe the implementation, supporting and inhibiting factors, as well as solutions to overcome obstacles to the implementation of GLS based on local wisdom in fostering reading interest of grade II students of SDN Maruyung 1 in the new normal period of the Covid-19 pandemic. The instruments used in this study are: interviews, observations, and documentation. The methods used in this study are descriptive with qualitative analysis.
Based on the results of data analysis, it is known that the implementation of GLS at SDN Maruyung 1 is carried out based on three stages, including: the habituation stage of carrying out juz'amma reading, 15-minute reading activities. The development stage carries out joint reading activities alternately and forms TLS. The learning stage carries out activities to conclude the results of the readings and explain the content of the readings read. Supporting factors are the existence of a library, the commitment of the principal, the enthusiasm and motivation of teachers, as well as support from parents. Meanwhile, the inhibiting factors: libraries that are not running, lack of number and variety of reading materials, unavailability of reading corners and reading parks and posters like to read, low interest in reading students, limited allocation of time and funds and lack of awareness of parents on the importance of literacy. The solution to overcome these obstacles is by establishing good cooperation with all school residents, parents, and donors
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