
  • Puve Wiskanadia Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia
  • Asep Saepurokhman PBI_UNSAP
  • Achyar Effendi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia


together (NHT), Menulis, Teks Biografi.


This research is motivated by the lack of students' interest in writing activities, especially writing biographical texts. This happens because in writing biographical texts, it is necessary to master the structure of the text, the linguistic rules of the text, the use of spelling, and the effectiveness of sentences. Therefore teachers need to create solutions that can increase student creativity in learning. One of the efforts that can be made to improve students' ability to write biographical texts is by using the numbered heads together (NHT) model. This study aims to describe the preparation, process, and learning outcomes of writing biographical texts using the numbered heads together (NHT) model. The method used in this study is a quasy experiment with qualitative and quantitative data analysis. Based on data analysis, it is known that the preparation for learning to write biographical texts using the numbered heads together (NHT) model has been well made so that it can be used as a guide in the implementation of learning. The process of learning to write biographical texts using the numbered heads together (NHT) model runs well and smoothly. This is evidenced by the results of observations which show that the observed components have been implemented properly. The learning outcomes of writing biographical texts using the numbered heads together (NHT) model are high. This is proven by the calculation of the z test which shows) z_(count )= -1.72, located in the interval  to  or       or -2.33 < -1, 72 < 2.33. Apart from that, it is also supported by an average score of 75.36 and belonging to the good category, as well as the fact that there are 61% of students who score 75 and above or 17 out of 28 students as a whole. Thus, it can be said that the numbered heads together (NHT) learning model has a high level of effectiveness when used in learning to write biographical texts.




How to Cite

Wiskanadia, P., Saepurokhman, A., & Effendi, A. (2024). PENGGUNAAN MODEL KOOPERATIF TIPE NUMBERED HEADS TOGETHER (NHT) DALAM PEMBELAJARAN MENULIS TEKS BIOGRAFI . Literat - Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Dan Sastra Indonesia, 3(1), 20–32. Retrieved from




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