The Pocess of Complex Words Morphology in The Text of Study by Class VIII MTs Al-Falaahiyyah a Year of Study 2023/2024


  • Anisa Novianti Mahasiswi
  • Dadang Gunadi PBI FKIP UNSAP
  • Achyar Effendi PBI FKIP UNSAP


Morphological Process,, Affixing,, Reduplication,, Complex Words,, Review Text.




The purpose of this study is to describe and classify the morphological processes that are present in the review text of students of the 8th grade MTs Al-Falaahiyyah, according to the formula of this research problem which is as follows: (1) does the morfological process in the text of the review work of students in the 8th class MTs Al-Falahiyyah in the 2023/2024 school year? (2) what morphologic processes have been found in the reviews of the work of the students of 8th grade MTS Al-Falaahiyah in the school year 2023-2024? (3) how much is the percentage of the Morphological Processes in the Review Text of Students of the Eighth Class MTs Al-Falaahiyyah?. The method used in the implementation of this research is the qualitative decryptive method, with data in the form of complex words contained in the review text of the work of students of the eighth grade MTs Al-Falaahiyyah. Data is obtained using data collection techniques such as observation and testing. Data analysis techniques in this research use text analysis techniques. The results of the study show that the morphological process of the complex word includes the process of affixing and reduplication. An affixation is the creation of an affix or an invoice in the basic form, including a prefix, a suffix, and a confix, while a reduplication is a repetition of a word, between which there is a full and a partial duplication. Besides, there are also some deviations in affixing and reduplication. The affixations were 123 words (89.78%), 14 words (10.21%), and 31 words (22.62%) covered 24 affixing deviations (77.41%) and seven reduplication deviations (22.58%).



How to Cite

Novianti, A., Dadang Gunadi, & Achyar Effendi. (2024). The Pocess of Complex Words Morphology in The Text of Study by Class VIII MTs Al-Falaahiyyah a Year of Study 2023/2024. Literat - Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Dan Sastra Indonesia, 3(2), 170–175. Retrieved from




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