Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Picture and Picture terhadap Keterampilan Komunikasi Siswa pada Mata Pelajaran IPS Materi Pengembangan Teknologi Transportasi
Penelitian Eksperimen Pada Siswa Kelas IV SDN Sukaresmi Kecamatan Tomo Kabupaten Sumedang Tahun Pelajaran 2021/2022
Picture And Picture, Keterampilan Komunikasi, IPS, TransportasiAbstract
Cooperative learning is one of the effective learning methods by forming small groups to cooperate, interact, and exchange ideas. Picture and Picture is a cooperative learning model or prioritizing the existence of groups by using picture media that are paired or sorted into a logical sequence. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the Picture and Picture learning model on students' communication skills in social studies subjects for transportation technology development.
This study uses a quantitative approach and the method used in this research is experimental. The research population is all 4th grade students of SD Negeri Sukaresmi for the academic year 2021/2022. The research instrument used is in the form of description questions and questionnaires.
The results showed that the pretest was followed by 15 students with the highest score of 60 and the lowest score of 10 and an average of 36. The posttest was followed by 15 students with the highest score of 100 and the lowest score of 40 and an average of 75.
Based on the t test, the resulting count is 74.07 with a table of 1.77093. So that it is known that tcount > table, there is a difference in the science process skills of the experimental class students and the control class. The picture and picture learning model can improve communication skills, especially discussion skills, question answering skills, and speaking skills clearly, thus the picture and picture learning model helps improve communication skills in students.
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