Metode pembiasaan, Nilai karakter disiplin, siswa sekolah dasarAbstract
This research is concerned with the application of habituation methods to instill discipline in elementary school students, considering that discipline is very important to develop so that it is ingrained in students. Based on this, the aim of this research is to describe how to apply the habituation method to instill discipline in elementary school students. The research was conducted at SDIT Syaripudin As-Syafei using a qualitative descriptive method approach, data collection techniques used were observation and interview methods. Based on the research that has been carried out, it is concluded that the application of the habituation method at SDIT Syaripudin As-Syafei is carried out through a program of habituation activities including 1) getting used to arriving on time, 2) getting used to dressing neatly, 3) getting used to keeping things in their place, 4) getting used to praying Duha and midday prayer in congregation, 5) getting into the habit of saying hello, 6) getting into the habit of throwing rubbish in the right place, 7) getting into the habit of completing tasks on time. The process of instilling disciplinary character is through 1) providing examples from school principals, teachers and education staff. 2) routine activities 3) enforcement of rules in the form of warnings, advice, warnings or punishments.
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