The Effect of the EIA-TEACH Learning Model Assisted by the Feynman Method on Students' Critical Thinking Skills in Science and Social Subjects Material : What is My Regional Culture Like?


  • Faridah Diana Azzahra PGSD
  • Nandang Kusnandar PGSD FKIP UNSAP
  • Fajar Kusumah Solihin PGSD FKIP UNSAP


Everyone is a Teacher Here (EIA-TEACH) Learning Model, Feynman Learning Method, Critical Thinking Skill


This research aims to analyze the effect of the EIA-TEACH learning model on critical thinking skills in IPAS. The method used is using a quantitative approach along with a pre-experimental research type namely one group pretest-posttest design. The data collection technique used is using a description test technique with an instrument in the form of IPAS critical thinking skill test questions. In this research, the data analysis technique used is the validity test, reliability test, difficulty level test, normality test and t test. This research was carried out for one day, namely with the research stages of conducting a pretest, providing treatment, and conducting a posttest. The research results showed that in data analysis using the t test, a value of  (6,366) > (1.771)  was obtained, which means that  was rejected and  was accepted. So, there is a significant influence on students' critical thinking skill before and after using the EIA-TEACH model assisted by the Feynman method. This is also supported based on the average pretest score which is 51,42, while the average posttest score is 77.85. Considering this, it can be concluded that the average posttest score is better which means that there is an influence of the EIA-TEACH learning model assisted by the Feynman method on students' critical thinking skill in IPAS. 


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How to Cite

Azzahra, F. D., Nandang Kusnandar, & Fajar Kusumah Solihin. (2024). The Effect of the EIA-TEACH Learning Model Assisted by the Feynman Method on Students’ Critical Thinking Skills in Science and Social Subjects Material : What is My Regional Culture Like?. Sebelas April Elementary Education, 3(2), 224–236. Retrieved from

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